Posted by Ezekiel 25:17 on April 03, 2001 at 05:38:38:
In Reply to: Screachy Toned Demons posted by A believer on March 27, 2001 at 19:13:50:
: Crazy but true!I am ASOLUTLEY certain that there is a God, because I have delt with and experienced evil. I'm not going into great detail or anything, but I grew up in a christian enviorment, church on Sundays, graduated from a private christian school. I was totally rebellious all my life though, and at one point in time was seriously engulfing myself in witchcraft, mind power, tarot cards, you name it. I thought I had control of it until the devil and his spirits decided that they wanted to control me, and did not want to return my soul, peace of mind, my life became a living nightmare. I could not sleep, I thought I was having encounters with demon spirits while sleeping. I even heard voices during the day, and when I decided that I could not take it anymore, I turned to God. I had to have a preacher and people from my moms church pray over me and cast them out. It was a struggle because my faith was so low, I didn't think I could ever have control over my mind ever again. I had to say the prayer of warfare hourly, blast christian music throughout the house, hang crosses everywhere, carry around little prayer cards. Even when I first reached out for help I called my mother and told her I needed help, I heard a bunch of henious voices come right over the phone during our conversation, laughing at me in a screachy tone. There is plenty more I have experienced, but I will cut this short.. All I have to say is God has restored my life, and thanks to his great mercy has forgiven me for turning the other way and given me back my life. I can't stress it enough how ignorant it is to try and deal with the other side. There is no deal. When the devil wants you, he doesn't give up easy. I hope noone is ever as foolish enough to ever put themselves in that type of situation. Never bargain with the devil~! It's not a joke!
: --- A believer
Crazy but not true! I am ABSOLUTELY certain there is no God, and to prove my point i will use CAPITALS to emphasise. I have dealt with and experienced evil too, its called rush hour after work. I'm not going into great detail or anything but I grew up in a non-christian environment. I didn't go to church on sundays and I didn't graduate from a Christian school. I was totally rebellious all my life though, and at one point in time was SERIOUSLY engulfing myself in Christianity, Mormonism and Judaism! I thought I had control of it until one day God had nothing better to do and decided he wanted my pathetic, worthless soul, and took my peace of mind, my life became a living nightmare! I could not sleep, I was watching endless tele-evangelists, but I'm sure they were talking to me! I even heard voices during the day, and that's when I turned to Atheism. I had to have all my friends come over to smack me with foam mallets to bring me to my senses. It was a struggle, since I loved the attention so much, and I never really had it b4, so I whinged and moaned for a while until they got bored. I didn't think I could ever go back to my humdrum boring life again. So I blared Non-Christian music, hung signs all over the place and told myself I was non-converted! Even, when I first thought myself possessed, I picked up the phone one day and heard raucous prayers, perhaps I shouldn't have tried dial-a-prayer when I was drunk. There is plenty more, but I can't think of any more incidents as such (which can't be backed up in any way or form), so I won't. All I have to say, is that Atheism has restored my life, and now I don't have to worry about religion anymore. I can't stress how important it is NOT to deal with the other side! There is no deal. When God wants you, he doesn't give up easy. Altho why God would want me or any other pathetic soul is beyond my knowledge. Never bargain with Jehovah's Witnesses. This is a JOKE!