"Why in the hell did you go and put all your clothes on?"

Oh yeah, give me a freaking break. I’m so sure. But you know what? I couldn’t say that. I was thinking it but I couldn’t say it. I was thinking, I don’t want to have pictures of my ass and vagina sitting in your drawer so that when you dump me you can whip them out and drool over them as you beat your weird ass twisty wiener until it makes squirty spew.

This guy really was Mr. Squirty Spew man, too. You know in the porn mags how they have those "cum shots??" Who does that? Who would want that done to them. Oh yeah, like I want to say to my lover, "Hey, listen, right before you’re about to cum, would you please pull your dick out and point it at my cheek and rip a sticky line across my eyes and cheek and chin?"

This asshole used to do that!!

I’d be just getting to some where near the region where I could actually start feeling like maybe I’m gonna have an orgasm and this guy is pulling his dick out of me and pointing it at my face and doing the big ol’ spew…

grnrt_arr.gif (1662 bytes)
Yeah, I wanna see pictures of hot, naked chicks!




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