"It’s not enough anymore."

He had me tied over the seat of this chair with my ass pointing into the air. He was smacking it with one of those whippy who knows whatzits.

You know what? He knows the names of all those things and I don’t. I never thought that all that tying up and smacking people shit was cool or fun or anything. I never felt this HUGE RELEASE he was talking about if I would just LET GO and FEEL IT.

What a bunch of shit.

But I think early on I wanted to be liked by him so much that I would say just about anything to keep him liking me.

I struggled free and spread my legs and smiled.

"What about this. Is this good enough for you."

"Wait a second. Let me get my camara." And he left the room.

This is when he started taking the pictures.

grnrt_arr.gif (1662 bytes)
Yeah, I wanna see pictures of hot, naked chicks!




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