I mean it! What the hell did I have to worry about? He was richer than anyone I’ve ever met. He owns his own damn helicopter, which he’s lucky to be able to pilot, considering how damn stoned he is so much of the time.

Oh yeah – some of you readers of this have already sent me e-mail letting me know that you know who Mr. Rockstar is. So what! And you keep telling me you’ve told him about these pages at Lies People Tell and that I’m putting ALL his damn SMUTTY pictures up for FREE!

Well, I don’t give a crap. Read this: THREE-YEAR RESTRAINING ORDER. FELONY DOMESTIC ABUSE. Try those on for size and see how quickly he gets in touch with me to shut me up. I’m doing everything I can to keep him totally ANONYMOUS – oh yeah, I heard he’s trying to clean up now and all that – well I’ll believe it when I see it!!

And I’m not saying that I didn’t get into all his blow and junk too. I did. It’s a hell of a lot easier to turn a really nice girl into a mousy abuse victim when you get her hooked on junk and money. Those are two things I love now: junk and money. One of those I’m staying away from and the other, well, Mr. Rockstar is more than a little worried about the other.

He was so wonderful that first day. We were flying. I’d never been in a helicopter. It sends chills all through your body. And he was good at flying it. He seemed so powerful and every so often he would gently caress the curve of my face with the fingers of his right hand and say, "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?"

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Yeah, I wanna see pictures of hot, naked chicks!




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