
First off, I have to introduce myself.   My name is Patricia Alice Jean Jensen.  I am an 18 year old web fanatic from San Francisco who started cruising the web like crazy about five years ago. That's a portrait a friend of mine drew of me. You're gonna see how much prettier I really am but that's how I looked after this nightmare that I'm going to tell you about was over.

When it all started, I only wanted to do on-line chat with friends, send e-mails and go to websites of my favorite bands and like send them messages and pretend that they were actually reading them.

I never dreamed that my favorite singer, from my favorite band, would actually want to date me.  But he did.  AND he wanted to take pictures.  Of me.  No... no... no... never of him.   "Damn," he used to say. "I can't go through the freakin' counter at the check-out stand without seeing pictures of myself.  But you, you're hot!  I want pictures of you!"

So, that's how I came to start posing nude.  But before I show you these hot photos of me and my hot spots, I need to tell you a little bit about how I came to put them up at this crappy little, fly-by-night, hole in the wall, weird-crud website called: Lies People Tell!

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Yeah, I wanna see hot naked pics!!





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