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Should Lies People Tell Be



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Yes, of course this site should be censored. It's obvious that the world is full of lying. This site proves it. Some of the Lies Our Parents Told Us section made me laugh -- most of those are very funny -- but some of them are very sad. The one about the ice cream truck. The one about the woman in the bedroom. I think that we should hide from high school students how dark and desolate our world truly is.

Your site seems to want to shed light on the darkness of our culture and make people face it.

Let me tell you something Mr. Bubble -- or whoever you are (even you are LYING about your name)our culture is not ready to know how desperate the human condition is. Our culture is NOT ready to look honestly at the darkness that hides in our souls. I say this site should not only be censored in high school but all over the place.
                --- "Anon"

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LPT Replies:

Dear Mr. Anon,

Thank you for pointing out hypocrisy of hiding behind my previous nom-de-web: Bubble.  I have changed it to the real thing.

With regards to censoring this site all over, I shall refer you to a little book called 1984 by George Orwell.  A peek at German history between 1932 to 1945 may also help.

Chris "The Real Thing" Riseley

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